Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Closed for the Final Examinations
Dear friends,
As I am too busy studying for the exams at the moment, my blog will be officially closed until further notice. I do not want to post merely for the sake of posting. When I have finished my exams, I will return to writing for this blog.
In the meantime, you might want to visit some of these blogs which are on my blogroll:
1) For good articles on eschatology, visit Kim Riddlebarger's blog.
2) For blogs, articles and studies in the area of homosexuality, check out the "Christian" Gay Movement Watch and Robert Gagnon's homepage.
3) For some excellent devotional pieces and great spiritual insights, read the blogs of Pastor Mike Messerli.
4) My friend Isaiah has a new blog here, and Daniel - as usual - has something to say regarding the Purpose Driven Church movement.
5) Last but not least, Pastor Lau has some important articles on Marriage and Divorce.
God bless,